Your Guide to my Mind and how it Works.

This is your Guide to my Mind and how it Works.

One thing that you should know is that my mind is complicated and may take years to explain. Well, technically, everyone’s mind is complicated and may take years to explain, but I’m writing this, so… yeah…

Chapter 1: The Basics

I, of course, don’t know everything about my mind, ’cause I’m not a know it all. So I can’t tell you what my brain is made of. All I know is that it’s split into two parts and multiple sections that control different things in my body.

But I do have a good idea of how my mind works and reacts to things, so I’ve listed them down below.

1, Daily thoughts: Books, books, books, music, fantasy, stories, books, books, sci-fi, books, stories, writing, writing, books, need books!!!

2, Reactions (will depend on what the situation is):

a) When someone comes over when I’m reading something AMAZING (I’ll give you a good list of books that I find amazing later) and starts rambling about things that I DO NOT REMOTELY EVEN CARE ABOUT AT THE TIME.


b) When someone doesn’t like the books that I love.

My Reaction is (and I have no control over this): HOW DARE YOU! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO HUMANITY! GET OUT OF HERE!

c) When someone doesn’t even like to read.

My reaction is: *thinking: don’t explode, don’t explode, don’t explode* OH, YOU LITTLE ************!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***********************!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************!!!!!!!!! ***********!!!!!!!!!!! **************** **********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%^&*()

d) When someone is just plain annoying

My reaction is: *Okay, just try to make your rolling eyes as visible to them as possible* Rolled my eyes in their FACES and walk away immediately

Of course, these are just SOME of my reactions do different things. I don’t swear in real life, so don’t worry. But I really wish I could sometimes.

So how does my mind work? I think I’d better start off with personality.

So my personality could probably be described (in the simplest way) with a few words. Music, books, writing, fantasy, and sci-fi. Of course, those aren’t personality traits, but I have often been told that I’m a really mother-like figure (that’s how my friends see me), and I am extremely stubborn (that’s how my entire family sees me).

I think I’ll give you a list of the things that I like and the things that I dislike. (actually, some of the things that I like and dislike)

Things that I like:

Fantasy and science fiction books, classical music, action movies, peaceful forests, mountains, nature, reading, writing my own stories, Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan), 2 to 3 Japanese songs, culture, mysterious artifacts, clean places, quiet places, countrysides, fruits, and a bunch of other stuff.

Things that I dislike:

Rap and pop songs, makeup, perfume, smug, snotty, and bratty people, bullies, spiders, loud noises, parties, crowded places, obnoxious people, irresponsible people (okay, let me be honest, I’m not that responsible either, BUT I’m striving to be better!), people who don’t listen, people who are too dependent on others, and a bunch of other stuff.

There are pretty much stories behind most of the things that I like and dislike.

The story behind Why I hate rap songs?

Well, this kind of also explains why I like classical music and musicals (Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, etc). You see, even before I was born, my parents listen to classical music on the car every day. And in my youth, I have listened to a lot of classical music. I used to hate it, thinking that it was just a bunch of loud meaningless noises that somehow fit together. But I gradually found out that I actually liked it.

Once I moved to America, I continued listening to classical music. But I was also exposed to rap music and pop songs. Now, I don’t mean to offend anyone when I say this, but I really dislike the style. It’s just that I can’t stand all those music-and-note-less (is that even a word?) lyrics, and the background music and noises just doesn’t fit. I know a lot of people really like it (one of my classmates really likes that kind of stuff), but the first time I listened to it, I knew that there was no way that I would learn to like it.

Also, the way that they mumble… I know that for some people, operas can be extremely difficult to understand (well, actually, it is hard to understand if you don’t speak the language that they’re singing in), but at least there is an orchestra. I have listened to more traditional instruments as a kid, so I got used to it. But listening to the things that they use in rap songs? (What are they even called, anyway?) I can’t stand those things.

Now, for some reason, I enjoy Japanese songs, but not American rap or pop songs. I don’t know if they use different instruments, or if it’s because they speak Japanese, but for some reason, I really enjoy it.

The Story behind Why I hate parties and crowded areas?

Again, this also explains why I like the forests better than the cities.

Now, this may seem strange, because I actually grew up in a capital city, so it’s pretty busy there. But I didn’t like the city. I never liked the city, ever.

There are lots of things that I don’t like about the city. The air, the noises (you know, the constant honking of cars and the shouts of a bunch of people), the crowded people (where you have to shove everyone out of the way just to get to a bookstore), the smell… I just can’t stand it.

Also because of the fact that there are slippery sidewalks every time it rains… and every time you take a step you’ll either slip or stumble? Yeah, that’s what I feel like when I go to a city.

I know that there are cities that look very beautiful in the night, but I personally prefer to see the Milky Way, or the Aurora Borealis. I don’t know, I’m just attracted to nature. Yeah, it’s cold and full of insects, but I feel way more peaceful in the outdoors than in a house or a city.

The story behind Why I hate makeup, perfume, and snotty kids?

Okay, let’s be honest here. No one likes bratty and snotty kids. But not everyone hates makeup or perfume. I for one, dislike it.

I guess it’s just my experience when I was in Elementary School. There were girls who would wear layers and LAYERS of cosmetics, and spray themselves wet with perfume. And guess what? THEY’RE SNOTTY KIDS!

I have nothing against pink, but those (stupid) girls would just wear pink all day, and I don’t understand how they can stand the bright colors (I like black, blue, and green). They would just waltz around, pretending they’re the boss of everything, and the teacher wouldn’t even REMOTELY pay attention to them. I was the quiet one, so I didn’t really cause any disturbances amongst the class.

Another thing I hate about them was the fact that they would do all these mean things to you, and when they have a question (specifically about English), they would come to you and ask you to help them.

So, when I was in Elementary School, I was extremely nice, a little too nice, if you ask me. And the mean kids in the class would just bully me for no reason (I think it’s because I was a bit weirder [I didn’t like what they liked]). So, my dad grew up in America, so English is his first language, and Chinese is his second. He taught my sisters and I how to speak English, and my mom taught us how to speak Mandarin.

Anyway, I was better at English than any other subject in Elementary School, whether it was science, math, social studies, Mandarin (I totally sucked at it). And whenever the English teacher assigned us homework to do, they would run up to me and say, “Hey, you! How do you do this?”

I wish I could go back in time so I can slap them instead. But NO! I said, “Huh? Oh, yeah… sure.” and help them do it.

Screw my past self…

It’s not like I did anything wrong to them, but most of them treated me like a servant. There were a few girls and boys that were neutral, and there were one or two quiet ones. I was friends with this other girl that was quiet as well.

So… yeah, that’s why I don’t like makeup and perfume, because whenever I see it on someone, it’s not like I like to judge people, but I just have this alarm that yells in my head, “ALERT! ALERT! STAY AWAY FROM THAT PERSON!”

But almost all people here are WAY nicer than they are in Taiwan, so yeah…

The Social Hierarchy in Taiwanese Elementary Schools (specifically classes).

Now, I don’t like to ramble, and I’m pretty sure you don’t wan’t to hear my rambles either, but this is my blog, so HA!

Now, the social hierarchy for Taiwanese Elementary Schools is CRUCIAL, and if you are considering to go there and learn, I suggest you learn this as quick as possible, because if you don’t, prepare to be bullied.

At the top of the class, there are the Popular kids, aka, the dominant kids. These are the kids who always boss others around, and pretend like they’re cute and all but in real life, they are mean as hell.

At the middle, we got the semi-popular kids. Meaning that they can be absolutely normal, but everyone seems to find them popular. They aren’t always mean, but sometimes they can be annoying. Some of them are extremely brainy and/or charismatic.

At the middle/bottom, we have the normal people. They are neutral, and don’t like to side with anyone.

And at the very bottom, we have the outcasts. The Weirdos, the stupid, ugly, people. Whatever they want to call us. Outcasts are generally unusual in certain ways, or they don’t like to talk as much. People just assume the worst. Or if they’re not as attractive (no pale skin, bony arms, stick waists, full lips, big eyes, makeup). I don’t know. I was the Outcast since third grade up to fifth grade, I don’t think even the teacher liked me.

Of course, this is not saying that Taiwanese schools are horrible and full of terrible teachers. This is just MY experience with it, and you may be luckier than I.

Chapter 2: Stories and What Ifs

So, now that you’ve read all this, let’s go into more detail scenarios and stories.

So, when I think, I usually look at a situation and say to myself, “Okay, so this is bad, but I shouldn’t panic, because if I do, I’m never getting this done.”

Unless if it’s homework, then I say to myself, “Oh, cool. I can finish this at the last minute.”

At the last minute.

“Oh, shoot! HOMEWORK!” *screams and rushes over to the desk*

So… yeah, if you ever see me panicking, it most likely may be either homework or homework. Take your pick.

I’m not really academically inclined, though. I mean, I don’t think I ever got straight As before, and there was not one time when I got a hundred percent on a major test. So even though I’m Asian, I’m not a brainy kid, so yeah…

I find fantasy, sci-fi, books, and stories way more interesting than Math and Science. The reason why I don’t like Realistic Fiction is because there’s no “Fantasy” or “Unusual-ness” to it. Realistic Fiction is set in the real world, and I just find it kinda boring to read a book about real life when you’re actually part of it.

But in Fantasy/Sci-fi books, you could actually picture this world any way you want, as long as it fits the description. It’s just way more dramatic than realistic fiction.

Of course, I have encountered kids who don’t like Fantasy or Sci-fi books. I’ve asked them why, and they said it was because Fantasy would never come true, and Sci-fi often happens way after our generation is forgotten.

It makes sense, but, hey! I still hope that one day, I would learn that Fantasy is real! And I could just teleport myself into the Dungeons and Dragons world, and sit there, drinking tea with my fellow elves!

My Favorite…(and a brief story on Christmas)

Okay, so I have quite a few favorites. But the thing is, every year for Christmas, I don’t know what I want.

Once, my sisters and I went to the bookstore because our parents didn’t have time to drop us off everywhere at different times, so we had no choice but to not look at what’s in each other’s baskets and see what we got each other for Christmas. Of course, since I wanted books, and there were four books I wanted (two of them being new arrivals from two of my favorite series, and the other two being book 2 and 3 from a trilogy that I loved), I just assigned two to each of them and said I wanted those for Christmas. They were slightly irritated, because they were planning to get me ONE book instead of TWO, but I forced them, so HA!

Anyways, so like I said, I have a few favorites. But I’ll split them up into categories.

Favorite entertainment thingies: So I have a few things that I do during my spare time. For example, writing. But I’m also reader, so I read (duh?) a lot. I also like singing (but not in front of everyone, because that’s just embarrassing), and I enjoy listening to music (don’t ask me what type, because I literally said what type of music I liked in the beginning of this page).

Favorite Food DessertAgain, I don’t really have a favorite food dessert. Because there are a few things that I like. I like red bean buns (those are good), pineapple cakes (for those of you who don’t know what they are, try them. THEY’RE GREAT!), custard pudding (the types where they have a thin layer of custard on top. They’re good), boba (is that how you spell it?) tea (so if you don’t know what this is, it’s like milk tea with small black “pearls” that are made of brown sugar. Try it),

Favorite Color: I would have to go with blue, green, or black.

Favorite Movie: I honestly don’t have a favorite movie. If you gave me two movies that I know and ask me which one I preferred, then maybe I could answer that.

Favorite Books: Now we’re getting somewhere! So when it comes to books, I honestly liked all the books that I’ve read, because at the beginning, if I didn’t grow to like it, I’d never read it. Here’s the list:

  • Percy Jackson and the Olympians/The Heroes of Olympus
  • ACOTAR series (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
  • Throne of Glass series
  • Warriors
  • Ranger’s Apprentice/Brotherband Chronicles
  • The Mortal Instruments/The Infernal Devices
  • Lunar Chronicles/Heartless
  • The Land of Stories
  • Keeper of the Lost Cities
  • The School for Good and Evil
  • Caraval
  • Wings of Fire

So… yeah. I may have forgotten a few.

That was a list of some of my favorites.

My First Day of School in America (and a brief description of my daily schedule during a school day in Taiwan)

So, one thing you should know is that schools in Asia look very different than schools in America. Because while schools in Asia have black boards, tall buildings, around 4,000 students, and longer classes, schools in America seem to have more open spaces, a bigger track, buildings that have maybe two or three floors, and less students.

My experience with Elementary school in Asia is that we had to wake up 6:00 in the morning because we had to arrive at 7:00 to clean the gardens and walkways (rake leaves), and since my sister and I had to walk to school, we woke up at 6:00, left at 6:30, and arrived around 6:50 or so. If I remember correctly, my elementary school started class around 7:30 or so, or was it 7:45? School ends at 4:00 in the afternoon, and that’s when students either go to after school (where teachers watch and correct your homework to make sure you get 100% in school), or you go home.

I never got to know what Asian Middle schools were like, but I heard that you had to wake up at 6:00, and school didn’t end until 6:00 pm. But those rumors may or may not be true. All I know is that the pressure is way off the chart.

Here in America, I still don’t like waking up in the morning, even though we only need to wake up at 7:00, and not 6:00, and we don’t need to clean the entire walkway. But still…

There are less classes here, though. And the schedules are different. Each year at school here, the class order is already determined. But schedules in Taiwan was different for each day. There may be these few classes in this order for Monday, but a total different order of completely different classes the next.

I was surprised when I saw how little classes there were here, and to say that I wasn’t surprised would be lying. While in Taiwan, I had Social Studies, Science, Mandarin, Math, Chinese, Music, Art, Physical Education, and English. But here, I only have History, Science, English, Math, Physical Education, and an elective.

There is less homework here, and for that I am pretty grateful, but I still miss lots of things about Taiwan. Like the food. Especially the traditional desserts, and the fruit! If you ever have time to eat the fruit in Taiwan, DO IT! You won’t regret it! One thing you want to try is the Mango Shaved Ice. There are bobas, mango slices (extremely sweet mango slices), mango ice cream, and sugar with ice. And the pineapple cakes. Also, if you ever go to a 7-Eleven there, you’ll notice that they have WAY more things than our 7-Elevens do.

Okay, anyway. Back to the topic.

So my first day of school was relatively simple. The only person I knew was the librarian (I met her during the orientation), so I asked her where I was suppose to go. She directed me to a row of tables where they were giving out the schedules for the sixth graders. So I went and told them my name. They gave me my schedule, and I saw Math at the top. I went to the math wing and found my classroom.

The rest of the day was a blur for me, but I remember getting a bit lost when I was trying to get home because I took a wrong turn and ended up in the wrong shopping mall. So… my parents ended up worrying, but I managed to get back home.

How did I meet my very first friend?

Well, we both kind of remember this day. I vaguely remember it. The classes of six grade were being introduced to the locker rooms, and there was a glass window that showed the office in the locker room. And I don’t remember who started the conversation, but I remember that it was about “What if a male teacher walked in while the girls were changing?” Of course, this was before we knew that this office was only for female P.E. teachers. But we launched into a conversation, and I guess that was how it started. We got lockers next to each other, and we were both in the same P.E. class, so… yeah…

What if… my favorite book characters came to life?



I wish! Oh, if only! But alas, life just had to deny eternal happiness to me!

If my favorite book characters came to life, I would hit on the male characters that I love, to be honest. I’m not that kind of person, but I just feel as if I had to. And with my favorite female characters, I’d make them one of my closest friends so that whenever someone annoying comes by, I can just tell them to beat them up and they’ll do it.

So, if Jem Carstairs or Azriel or Nico Di Angelo or Leo Valdez or Rowan Whitethorn or Legendary (aka Dante for all we know)  or Jest or Keefe came to life, I would definitely get so red that I need to go to the bathroom. I don’t know what I’d do, but if someone came up to me and said, “Hey, this is Jem Carstairs.” while I’m eating my favorite dessert, I would spit it out and stare at them for hours, trying to decide whether or not it’s a cosplayer or the actual Jem Carstairs.

Of course, all of the male characters that I listed above already have love interests, so I’m going to break my own heart and respect their feelings. It hurts, okay!? Don’t judge!

I wouldn’t exactly hate the female characters who’s love interests are my favorite male characters, but if I’m honest, I would feel a tad bit jealous.

Okay, well, I’d ask if I can go to their world and become one of them. Because if I’m honest, life isn’t always very interesting.

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