Dragon Tribe Story

Somewhere on the island…


Armageddon picked up a boulder between his two foretalons and threw it as high up and far as his body allowed him to.

“Alright! Let’s go!” Blizzard launched herself into the air along with Fire, Acid, Frostbite, and Glacier.

“WHOO!” Glacier whipped her tail and hit the flying boulder back towards Armageddon.

“Whoa!” the huge red dragon faltered in the air, but managed to regain his balance and throw the rock towards Fire.

“Hey! Hey! What the–ACK!” Fire was hit by the boulder, and his twin sister, Acid, went down with him.

“That’s one point for us!” Armageddon and Glacier high taloned and grinned at the other team.

Glacier was chiding Fire and Acid, the two headed dragon, while Armageddon and Glacier laughed their heads off.

“Alright! Let’s do this again!” Blizzard tossed the boulder into the air and hit it with her talon.

Acid reached up, “I got it!” she cried and head butted it. “Ow!” she yelped, but it worked. The boulder went soaring into the sky, and Armageddon had the reach to get it back down.

“Nice!” he yelled and lashed out with his tail to send it flying towards Glacier.

“Ha!” Glacier kicked the boulder with her hind legs and sent it flying towards a random direction.

“That was out of bounds!” Armageddon said, “I’ll get it!” he went after the boulder.

Chapter 1

I was sitting in the tree, watching the bird feed its children when all of the sudden, a huge boulder came crashing from the sky.

I screamed and ducked just as the boulder sailed over my head and landed into the lake. Water splashed all over me.

“What in the name of… what?” I looked up and frowned.

“Oh! Hey!” It was Armageddon, one of our tribe warriors. “Equaria! Didn’t see you there!” he laughed apologetically, “Sorry about that. We were just playing a game. We didn’t know anyone else was in the area. Apologies.” he went to pick it up.

“No, it’s fine.” To be honest, I was still recovering from the shock.

“Do you want to join us?” he asked as he lifted the boulder out of the water.

“Oh…” No, it’s okay. I don’t really want to talk to anyone right now. “No, thank you.” I said politely.

“Okay.” he shrugged and took off.

I spread my wings and went back to the tribe camp.

Our camp was based deep in the forest besides a stream and waterfall. Most of the time, we sleep in the trees or in caves. Usually, if you’re a respected member of the tribe, you get to choose where you want to sleep. There are four dragons in this tribe (not including our leader) who earned the respect.

Armageddon, you just met him. He’s the big, red, hearty dragon that likes to make dad jokes. But don’t assume that just because he’s cringy, he’s not a powerful dragon. He’s always been one of the top five in our tribe.

Phantom is one of them. He’s a black dragon, and one of the “Big Three” (I know it sounds cheesy, but the tribe couldn’t come up with a better name). He’s the third most powerful in the Big Three.

Tempest, who’s never around. According to Armageddon and Atlantis, he spent the last two centuries training high up in the mountains. The humans named that mountain Mt. War Angel, since they believed that a war angel was training up there.

Finally, Equinox. He’s the most powerful out of the three (for now). He’s also a black dragon, but he has a second power (while most dragons only have breaths, he has a type of magic spell integrated into his body, giving him access to a type of power). It’s called Phobia Eyes. It can ignite an opponent’s deepest fears and make them into a reality. Pretty scary, if you ask me.

Equinox and Phantom are the two that stayed in the tribe, though Phantom usually goes off on his own. Because they earned the right to choose where they sleep, Equinox chose a cave behind the waterfall, and Phantom chose a tunnel that went deep underground. 

I slept in a tree, and it was nice. It was quiet, peaceful, and I’m able to see the stars during the night time.

Lastly, our Tribe Leader. We actually don’t know where he sleeps. He slips out once everyone is in their dreamland and is always there when the first of us wake up.

Most of my tribe was there when I went back to camp. Faerie was talking to Elixir while our healer was concocting potions and lotions, Atlantis was talking to Eclipse (they’re the only elders in our tribe at the moment), Crystalline (our next tribe leader) was scolding Tsunami, Riptide, and Typhoon for getting everything wet, and Chasm was just hanging out in the shadows.

Chasm was probably the only dragon in the tribe that I can consider a friend. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all nice and good dragons. It’s just that… I don’t like interacting with other dragons or living beings.

That’s another thing! Chasm isn’t a living dragon. He’s actually a ghost… a ghost that can touch physical things like any other dragon, but nothing can hurt him. He can look frightening at first. I know when I was a dragonet, I would run away, screaming, whenever I saw the bone dragon clattering along. But eventually, I worked up the courage to apologize to him and get to know him. Chasm was quiet, and he didn’t have much of a presence. He was just there. 

Aside from being dead, we suspected that he used to be a black dragon, or a dark scaled dragon when he was alive. He claimed that he didn’t remember, but there was a darker tint to his bones, proving that he was a dark scaled dragon when he was alive. He didn’t have eyes, just empty eye sockets, so we couldn’t make any assumptions based upon eye color either.

I guess I hung out with Chasm because we’re the two dragons that stick out the most in the tribe. He’s a ghost and made of bones, and my body’s literally made of magical energy (It’s like a blue and white glowing cloud that’s physically touchable). The tribe didn’t know what to make of me, but they took me in anyways. I never felt like I fit in, though. 

Luckily, I met Chasm. And we were pretty good friends now. 

“Hey, Chasm.” I sat down next to him.

“Equaria.” his bones cracked when he turned to look at me, “I thought I heard you scream. Did something happen?”

“Nah. Just a boulder.” I shrugged.

He snorted, “Huh. Back in my days, we didn’t even have time to play. It was all war and training.”

“You sound older than Eclipse, you know.” I batted him playfully with a talon.

“I am older than Eclipse.” he looked at the oldest living dragon in our tribe. “I knew her mother.”

“Yeah, well your voice makes you sound young, so I forget. Apologies.” I crouched down and rested my head against my talons.

After a moment of silence, he asked, “Why aren’t you hanging out with Faerie and Elixir?” he nodded at the two chatting dragons.

“Eh.” I mumbled, “I don’t feel like talking to dragons.”

“You never feel like talking to dragons.”

“Well, living dragons, at least. You’re dead. So you’re okay.”

He snorted, “With your magical body, I’m sure you can learn necromantic arts with no problem.”

“No, thank you. Necromancy?” I shuddered, “I don’t want to become a withered, half rotten corpse with one of my eyes dangling out like this.” I made a face, sticking my tongue out and bulging out my eyes.

He took one look at my face before chortling. “I know I don’t look like that.” he chuckled.

“What if I told you you do?” I challenged, “You can’t see your reflection anyways. You don’t have one!”

“I would prefer to keep an optimistic opinion about myself, thank you very much.” he said with mock politeness.

There was another moment of silence before my ghost friend spoke up again.

“So… how’s Equinox?” he gave me a sideways grin.

I flushed deep crimson when he mentioned my crush’s name. “S-Shut up.” I mumbled and turned away, trying to hide my embarrassment.

Yes, Equinox was (is) my all time biggest crush. I don’t know why! He’s just so… quiet and cool at the same time! And he’s pretty polite and nice, but he’s not a party dragon! Like me! It’s just… I never really make myself noticeable, so I don’t think he knows I exist, which is kind of sad. And I’m not exactly content with just glancing at him, but I was too shy and embarrassed to even approach him.

He laughed, “You like him bad, don’t you?” he nudged me playfully.

I couldn’t get even more embarrassed, “Stop it! Shut up!” I hit him again and again.

“Ow! Ow! Geez!” he shook me off and stood up, “Chill, okay? You were just google eyeing him just then, you know!”

My eyes widened, “I was not!” I sprang to my feet and insisted while my heart beat a thousand times a second.

“You were too! He’s right there!”

I whirled around, “Where?” I practically screamed.

Chasm burst out laughing his head off, “Made you look!” he roared with laughter.

My head was going to burst from all the blood coming to my head, “Enough!” I jumped indignantly.

“Is everything okay here?”

I gasped and almost tripped over myself.

“Hey, Equinox!” Chasm said casually.

That damn ghost… stupid Chasm… I thought to myself while straightening. Okay, calm down, Equaria! He’s just a male dragon… a… rather… strong… kind… polite… handsome… irresistible… perfect… young… male dragon… I felt my heard accelerate a hundred times over.

Equinox was a black dragon with a green light coming off of him from under his scales. This was because he had a second power (Phobia Eyes), so he has a special trait. He was quite tall, even for his age. He can easily tower over me (then again, I was pretty short, even for a female dragon… so…). And for a dragon his age, he was pretty muscular and in good shape, but he wasn’t too buff, like Armageddon. He was more on the slimmer side and he was basically perfect!

Equinox looked at me (that was when part of my soul died of happiness and embarrassment), then at Chasm. “Are you two okay? I thought I heard Equaria screaming.” he looked at me worriedly, “Are you alright?”

Seeing him care for me sent me to heaven and back all over again, “Y-Yes… I’m fine! Perfectly fine! See? I’ve got all four limbs, both wings, and tail!” I said, trying to sound casual and cheerful.

I saw his tense muscles relax, “Alright.” he nodded and spread his wings, “I was just checking.” and he left.

Once he was well out of sight, I practically collapsed back onto the ground, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that he just talked to me!

“You okay?” Chasm touched my head.

“Y-Yeah…” my words were slurred.

“Huh. You’ve got it that bad for him?” he sat back on his hind legs, “Though, I’m pretty sure a lot of other female dragons in this tribe have it bad for him as well.”

I felt a pang of jealousy, but then I quickly pushed it away. I like him… I really like him… but that doesn’t mean other female dragons can’t like him either! I can’t think like that! If… if he thinks they’re… better… then I guess it’s for the best. If it makes him happy… then I… I’ll be okay with it. I convinced myself, even though it hurt my feelings a bit.

“You want to go out on a flight?” Chasm asked me, “It might help.”

I sighed, “Sure.” we both opened our wings and took off into the sky.

Chapter 2

I woke up early, before the sun came up. But I could already hear whispered voices down by the stream. I got up slowly and quietly, trying not to wake the other dragons sleeping in the trees beside me. I crawled down the tree trunk slowly and lowered myself into the bushes on the bank of the stream.

It was Armageddon and Legendary, our tribe leader.

“He’s coming.” Armageddon turned to look around the misty forest around us.

“He’s been gone for two centuries, though.” Legendary frowned. He was a gold eastern dragon with five talons (it’s supposed to symbolize royalty or heaven or something like that, apparently). “What reason does he have to come back?”

They’re talking about Tempest! I realized. He’s the one who’s second to Equinox when it comes to power, though after two centuries of training in the harsh conditions of the high mountains, he’s bound to be better than Equinox, right? No, don’t say that! There’s always a chance that Equinox has become more powerful over the years as well!

Tempest left when I was only a century old. He, Equinox, and Phantom were best friends when they were dragonets, but as time passed, they started becoming rivals. Each wanted to become the best in the tribe, and they wanted to become the best in the history of this tribe. It was pretty ambitious of them, but Equinox, Tempest, and Phantom were all pretty close to surpassing Seraph, a warrior of our tribe more than ten thousand years ago. He died a long time ago, but no dragon has ever been able to surpass his fighting or strategic skills.

“Maybe he thinks he’s surpassed Seraph?” Armageddon shrugged.

Legendary remained silent.

Then, I started to hear gently footsteps coming from my right. I peeked and tried to get a better look.

It was Tempest alright. The same stormy cloud physique (he’s a dragon that looks like his body’s made of storm clouds with lightning surrounding him), and dark blue glowing eyes. Tempest was a storm dragon, one of the rarer dragons. He’s one of the only dragons that’s born with some magic in his body. I’m one of the rare few as well, but I don’t know what breed I am. At least storm dragons are a thing. I don’t think there’s such thing as a magic dragon.

“Legendary.” he knelt down. His voice has gotten deeper as well. I found it even more intimidating than the last time I heard him scream and yell at Phantom and Equinox. “Armageddon.”

“Two centuries… why have you come back?” Legendary asked.

Tempest’s eyes flickered and the lightning around his body responded accordingly, “It’s the humans.”

Legendary stiffened. Dragons and humans have been at peace forever. For Tempest to come back from his training to warn us about the humans? It must’ve been pretty bad.

“Have they been pushing their borders?” Armageddon asked.

“No.” Tempest shook his head, “Something worse.”

“Out with it, then. What are they doing?” Legendary demanded.

Tempest bowed his head apologetically, “The humans… they’re working on a project. I don’t know what exactly, but it poses a clear threat to us dragons.” he said, “They’ve been building… machines, as they call them. They’re not living creatures, but they aren’t just mindless things as well. Humans aren’t powerful enough to harness magic like us, so they used something called technology to compensate for it. Or so I’ve heard when I went down to a local tavern in a town.” (Dragons can turn into humans for a short period of time if they wanted to). “I was there to check on the humans, and I heard what they were going to do with us.” Tempest looked very uncomfortable, which made me even more nervous.

“What?” Legendary asked.

“They…” Tempest swallowed and took a deep breath, “They plan to capture live dragons… and use their heart to generate energy… to power their machines.”

I almost choked. They plan to use us as magic conductors? For their machines? No! I can’t believe this! That’s torture!

Legendary and Armageddon glanced at each other.

“Is that why… dragons have been disappearing over the past years?” Armageddon asked in a low voice. I rarely saw him so serious.

“Dragons have been disappearing?” Tempest frowned.

“Yes.” Legendary touched his head with a talon, “We didn’t think much of it, since tribes have always been at war with each other… but we never thought…”

“That humans would pose such a threat?” Tempest suggested.

“We can no longer afford to underestimate them.” Legendary shook his head, “We’ve always thought we were more powerful than humans… and look where that’s led us to.”

“At this rate, they’ll kill us all.” Armageddon said, his eyes darkening.

“Tempest, did they give any indication on where this operation was taking place?” Legendary asked.

Tempest shook his head, “No, Legendary. I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.” Legendary took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “An evacuation will only give away our position.”

“One more thing, Legendary, Armageddon.” Tempest said and lowered his voice until I had to strain to hear him, “We’re all in danger, there’s no denying that. But Equaria may be in the most danger out of us all.”

My heart skipped a beat when he mentioned my name.

“Of course!” Legendary cursed, “They use magic as energy, right? Dammit!”

“Equaria’s body is made of pure magic.” Armageddon said grimly, “If the humans get their hands on her…”

I shuddered. Crap… oh no! I should leave! No, wait. That probably means I have a less chance of survival. Should I ask someone to come with me? Maybe Chasm? No, I can’t ask that out of him. He’s already lived his life. 

“They’ll have access to an endless supply of magical power. There’s no stopping them then.” Tempest finished for Armageddon and turned to our tribe leader, “Legendary, what are your orders?”

Legendary was silent for a moment, then he gripped the earth with his claws, “Wake the tribe. We need to discuss this. Quickly!” he turned away.

Armageddon nodded and started going from tree to tree, waking the dragons up.

“What do you want?”

“I’m sorry, but it’s urgent. Get up! Quickly!”

Tempest started coming towards me, and I assumed that he was going to wake me up, but when he pushed the bushes aside, his eyes widened.

“Equaria!” he exclaimed.

I ducked down nervously, “Sorry… I kind of… eavesdropped…” I said meekly.

Tempest blinked and shook his head, “No, it’s fine. You would’ve found out soon anyways.”

I sighed and tried to calm myself, “So… the humans, huh?”

The storm dragon looked away, “The humans.” he nodded.

Soon, all 21 of us were gathered around the stream. Legendary stood on the stepping stones in front of the waterfall.

“Alright, Legendary.” Eclipse grumbled, “You woke us up! Now tell us what the hell this is all about! The sun’s not even up!”

“Mom, why did we have to wake up so early?” Eclipse’s only son, Nightfall, was rubbing his eyes.

“Is something wrong?” Elixir asked.

Tsunami, Riptide, and Typhoon were all muttering to themselves. The three headed serpent hydra hybrid didn’t seem happy to be up so early. None of the tribe liked it.

“I apologize.” Legendary dipped his head, “But Tempest has returned, and he brings urgent news.”

“Tempest?” Phantom and Equinox both turned to the storm dragon.

“Tempest!” Nightfall half flew, half ran over and crashed into his body, “I missed you!”

“Hey, little buddy. Listen, maybe later, okay?” Tempest nudged the little dragonet away from him.

“Everyone, listen up.” Legendary said, raising his voice, “This tribe is in danger.” he proceeded to explain what Tempest had told him and what the humans were planning to do.

After five minutes of explanation, everyone greeted the news with silence.

“We’re… we’re all in danger?” Blizzard asked.

“Legendary.” Crystalline, our future leader, stood up and straightened, “I’ll go fight them.”

“No, Crystalline. No one is fighting anyone!” Legendary said firmly, “We’re all leaving.”

“Leaving? Like cowards?” Phantom’s voice had a dangerous edge to it.

“If that’s how you’d like to view it, I won’t stop you.” Legendary said calmly, “Though, I would prefer to think of it as survival.”

“I don’t like it!” Tsunami growled and stomped a talon onto the ground.

“No one likes it, sis.” Typhoon snapped, “But we have to anyways!”

“Guys, calm down.” Riptide, the middle sibling (and peacemaker), tried desperately to calm his two siblings.

“Everyone!” Legendary said in a hard voice, “We’re disbanding the tribe for now.”

“What?” everyone exclaimed at once. 

“If we stay together, we’d be noticed easily. We cannot afford to lose any more dragons.”

“So, we’re going into hiding?” Armageddon asked.

“But for how long? Who’s going to stop them? We can’t hide forever!” Phantom insisted.

“I know.” Legendary said, “But it’s better than driving ourselves to extinction.”

“The humans need our power and hearts to generate energy for their machines.” Tempest added, “If they don’t find us and harness our power, their machines will fail. And we can strike while the iron is hot.”

“But how long will that take?” Eclipse demanded.

“I don’t know, Eclipse, everyone.” Legendary sighed, “We don’t even know how the humans got their hands on a dragon heart in the first place… but that power is bound to run out of energy sooner or later, so until then, I ask that you go into hiding. Conceal yourself from the world, and do not tell anyone of your destination.”

Everyone shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably.

“You’re not asking us to hide alone, are you?” Eclipse put a protective wing over Nightfall, “Some of us can’t survive on our own.”

“How you hide yourselves is not up to me. Whether you bring friends or not is not up to me either.”

“Why don’t I go?” Chasm offered, “I’m a ghost. They can’t hurt me. Plus, I have no heart.”

“No, Chasm. We’ll find another way. Don’t force yourself–” I started saying.

“Are you sure, Chasm?” Legendary asked, “You swore to avenge your tribe leader. Are you alright with this?”

“I swore vengeance, yes.” Chasm held up a talon and looked at it, “But that doesn’t mean I can’t protect my tribe in the meantime.”

My shoulders sagged. Well… he’s right… but still, what if he gets hurt? I know he’s a ghost, but that doesn’t mean he can go around doing reckless things!

“Very well.” Legendary nodded, “But you’re coming back.”

Chasm bowed, “I will.” 

“Good luck, Chasm.” 

“Thank you.”

“Don’t die on us!”

Everyone bade him farewell as he prepared to leave.

“Chasm, I–” 

“Equaria,” Chasm and I touched foreheads. “You need to start mingling with living dragons.”

I choked on my tears, “Chasm–”

He pulled back and spread his wings, “Promise that, when I come back, you’ve made at least one friend who’s a living dragon.” he said.

I felt the tears trickling down my face. “Please, don’t…”

“Promise me, Equaria!” he took off into the sky.

I couldn’t stop my tears from spilling at that moment. Chasm, you’re my only friend… you’ve always been my only friend, but now… now you’re gone… 

“Don’t cry, my dear.” Atlantis padded over and tucked a wing over me, “He’ll be back. He’ll keep his promises.”

But that didn’t keep the pain from eating away at my heart.

“I, Legendary, head of the Draegalha tribe, hereby disband Draegalha!” Legendary announced, “For the sake of our children and our lives, Draegalha will cease to exist! Erased from memory until we meet again!” then, in a quieter, sadder tone, he said, “I wish all of you the best of luck.” 

“Long live Draegalha.” Armageddon said.

“Long live Draegalha.” we echoed in unison.

Chapter 3

I felt the sun shine down on my face, and for a moment, I smiled. 

Then, I remembered. Draegalha disbanded. I’m alone now.

I sighed and got up slowly, stretching. The sun was high in the sky. How long have I slept for? I asked myself as I padded groggily towards the mirror in the room.

When I looked at my reflection, I groaned.

Remember what I said about dragons being able to transform into a human for a short period of time? Well, when a dragon takes a human form for too long, their dragon traits start popping out. Literally. That means horns on your head, patches of scales in random places, and reptilian eyes. That’s literally what happened to me. Thank god I was in an apartment that I rented.

When I first came to this town a decade ago, I brought a small pouch of scales from my body. It was enough to pay off my rent and my food. I didn’t talk to anyone in the town, since I couldn’t risk being noticed. But sometimes I longed to talk to someone; have a deep conversation like I used to with Chasm.

It took me another huge amount of energy to conceal my horns, wings, and patches of scales. After I checked every part of my human body, I felt so very drained.

Food… I need to eat… I’m starving… I have no energy to walk… Should I just skip lunch today? I mean, breakfast… but dinner… what am I saying… I’m so tired… I sat there, staring at the wall with my dead eyes. I feel like steak… but a hamburger’s probably easier to get… but I want steak… should I just drink water? Would it rain? I hope it rains… then I don’t need to go anywhere… where’s the fruit? Do I need to buy groceries… ugh… I should get paid to walk at this point… I wish Chasm was here… where’s my brush?

Someone knocked on my door and I groaned. “Who is it?” I asked, my words were slurred.

“Um… your neighbor?”

Oh, him. He was the only human in the apartment that was nice to me. We didn’t really talk much, but he always smiled at me whenever we passed in the hallways. He has invited me over a couple of times, but I always refused politely, afraid that my disguise would somehow slip. 

I trudged over and opened the door.

His blue eyes widened, “Whoa! Elisa, you okay?” he leaned over.

I think I said something, but I didn’t remember what.

Then he replied right before I blanked out.


I blinked and opened my eyes. The sun was setting outside and I felt my head throbbing.

“Hey!” my neighbor was smiling beside me.

I yelped and jumped out of bed.

“Hey, Elisa, calm down.” he reached over and put a gentle hand on my arm. “It’s okay. You just fainted, that’s all. You looked exhausted too.”

“H-huh?” what was he doing in my house? He was going to discover my identity! How do I get him out? Should I just kick him out?

“It’s okay.” he said gently, “I lay you down on your bed. Are you okay?”

“Fine!” I shook my head, “It’s fine. Thanks, but I can take it from here.”

“Elisa, you always look tired. Is it because of work?”

I nodded quickly, “Yep! Totally!”

“Should I get a doctor?”

“No!” I blurted out and he frowned. “I mean… no, thank you. I’m okay, really.” I held out my arms, “See? All my limbs are intact. It’s fine, thank you.” I got up and led him to the door.

“Are you sure?”

“Yep! Thanks!” and I closed (slammed) the door in his face.

I slid down and took a shaky breath.

That was too close. I can’t let any human come into my apartment ever again. I’m going to get killed if I let anyone in. I let my thoughts flow through my mind.

Living among humans might be considered suicide to many dragons, including me, but it was the last place humans would search for dragons, so I thought it’d be safer here. 

But it came with a lot of downsides. One plate of human food is not even close to what I need to fill my stomach, but for the sake of hiding, I had to endure it. I lost a bunch of weight, which was kind of good, but I was also underfed, so I looked really unhealthy in my dragon form (and that was five years ago). It was also very pressuring and tiring, so I got sick multiple times over the past decade.

But it’s all for us dragons. We have to endure it until Chasm finishes his mission, or the humans run out of power.

I locked my apartment door and started down the stairs when I saw my neighbor walking up.

“Oh. Elisa, hey!” he gave me a smile and waved.

“Hey.” I ducked down shyly. I felt kind of bad for slamming the door in his face, so I worked up the courage to say, “Listen, about last week…”

“It’s fine. I get it.” he shrugged it off, “Work. It gets to everyone.”

“Yeah.” I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, “But I’m really sorry.”

“Again, it’s fine.” he shook his head, “It happens to everyone.”

We stood there for an awkward moment before he spoke up again.

“You… want to come over?” he gestured at his apartment door.

I turned to look at it and swallowed. My heart was pounding crazily. Say no, thank you! You can’t risk it! But another part of me said. You owe him that. After slamming the door in his face? You should go!

“Yeah… sure.” I said, pushing my fear aside.

He smiled, “Sweet! Come on.”

His apartment was small but cozy. He seemed to really like plants and herbs. He kept his window open to let fresh air in, and he had a miniature greenhouse on his balcony.

“You really like plants, huh?” I commented.

“Yes, I do.” his face was a bit red, “It’s embarrassing…”

“No, I think it’s great! I love the forest.” besides, his apartment reminded me of my home.

“That’s good.” he walked into his kitchen and called, “Do you want something to drink?”

“Water’s fine, thanks.” I tried to avoid different types of human drinks just in case my stomach couldn’t take it.

He set a glass cup in front of me and sat down on the couch, “You don’t talk much, do you?” he asked.

“No.” I shook my head and reached over to take a sip.

“You know, I see you walking in town sometimes, but you always look pretty frightened.”

I tensed, but I kept my breathing slowly. Just because he sees me frightened doesn’t mean he knows that I’m a dragon.

“Yeah… I don’t like dr– people.” I caught my slip quickly and corrected myself. Thankfully, he didn’t notice. “I don’t like talking to people that much.”

“You’re in introvert, then?” he nodded, “That’s interesting, because a lot of people believe that introverts don’t like society. But I don’t think that’s the case. I think they always have something more interesting to say than people like me.”

“People like you?” I frowned.

“Extroverts.” he explained, “Introverts think more than they speak, so that’s probably why they usually have more interesting things to say, since they always think to themselves.”

That sounded like me, so I nodded, “That sounds like me.”

“So… where are you from?” he asked.

“Oh… I’m not from anywhere.” I said, making stuff up as I go.

“Well, a person has to start from somewhere.” he shrugged.

“Fair enough… okay.” I huffed and dove into a story that I made up completely on the spot.

I left when the sun was setting and I decided to go for a flight. I didn’t care for how long, just as long as I get to feel the wind on my face again.

I walked out of town and went deep into the forest. It was dark, but I didn’t care. I needed to feel free again. 

Slowly, I let go of my enchantment and revealed my true form to the moon and stars above me.

God, it feels so good to be a dragon again! I thought and let out a sigh. I stretched out my wings to the fullest and blasted into the sky, creating a crater in the forest floor.

I cleared the clouds, and soon, there was nothing but stars and a bright moon above me. The air up here was cold and crisp, just how I liked it. I took off towards the last of the sunlight. Outrun the sun! That has always been a goal of mine! I thought excitedly as I charged towards the dark purple and golden horizon. I felt like a shooting star, racing across the sky like nothing was ever going to stop me.

I let out an earthshaking roar and laughed. If only I can do this forever! I’ve almost forgotten the joy of flying. 

Then I saw movement in the clouds below. I frowned and squinted, trying to make out what it was. Another dragon, perhaps? I thought and smiled. That would be wonderful! I haven’t seen another dragon since Legendary disbanded the tribe!

Then I heard a low hum that did not sound like a dragon. A shiver crawled up my spine as  the hum starting to grow louder. 

Then, out of nowhere, a huge object rose from underneath me and I yelped.

It was at least ten times bigger than I was, and it seemed to have wings as well. They stuck out of the body, but they didn’t move. The body of the object was sleek black and it seemed to be made out of metal. I paled when I realized what it was.

It’s a machine! Oh god, I need to get out of here right now! I changed my directions as quickly as dragonly possible and went straight towards the other side of the sky.

But the object seemed to be able to read my mind, because once I flipped over and tried to escape, it changed its course and pursuited me.

At this point, I was getting desperate. It was gaining on me with incredible speed, and I wasn’t a fast dragon, so I estimated a couple of seconds before it reached me.

So, I started to drop, veer, twist, and turn in every possible direction, hoping to outmaneuver it and buy some time for forming an escape plan. But that object was persistent and continued to go after me after five minutes of me trying and failing to outmaneuver it.

I can’t keep going like this. I’m starting to lose energy. I turned around and took a deep breath. I have to fight. And I roared, sending a column of blue and white light straight towards the object. Ice! I want ice! Shape the magic so it changes into ice!

But being the dumb warrior as I was, the magical energy I just breathed didn’t change into anything. It just shot out of my mouth and hit the object as magical energy. The object seemed to absorb it all and I heard the hum grow louder.

Crap! I can’t use magic against it! It’s a human’s machine! What did I expect? I dodged two balls of light that the object fired at me. It exploded a couple of feet behind me, sending me plummeting towards the ground.

I regained my footing and ducked into the clouds. Maybe they can give me cover. But I can’t see a thing! I thought to myself.

But the object seemed to know exactly where I was, because once I went into the clouds, it followed me, unbothered by the thick clouds around us.

Dammit! At this point I’m hoping for anything to happen! I found myself begging fate to give me an extra minute to escape.

When I cleared the clouds, I saw a huge black shape charging towards me. I screamed and dropped immediately. What the hell–

I heard the familiar roar of a fellow dragon, but there was something a tad bit odd about it. I gasped and looked up.

A black dragon and the black object crashed, creating a huge explosion right before me. I was flung backwards into the clouds, and I almost crashed into the top of a mountain.

What was that? I thought, panting. 

Then, from above me, the black dragon came down and stopped a couple of hundred feet in front of me. We faced each other in the air.

I smiled, “Thanks!” I shouted above the wind, “I was about to die. You saved me!”

He looked at me, his blue eyes glowing. I blinked. What type of dragon is he? He doesn’t look like any dragon I’ve seen or heard of.

He opened his mouth and I saw endless darkness in it. I started to feel a trickle of fear. Is he an enemy or a friend? The inside of his body looks like a bottomless pit!

“You okay?” I called out.

The dragon closed his mouth, turned around, and left quickly. He was gone a few seconds later.

Maybe he was shy?

I calmed myself, trying to get over the shock of being targeted by humans. I can’t afford to let myself go like that anymore. That was too close. I thought, mentally slapping myself. I should go back.

I walked back into the town and realized that all the lights were turned on. I frowned. What’s going on? The lights are always turned off after midnight. And I knew that it was at least an hour past midnight. 

Everyone was proceeding to the center of the town, and there were human ships docked on the borders of town.

“What’s going on?” I asked the people.

“A dragon, apparently.” a man said excitedly, “They said they’ve found a dragon!”

I tried to hide my horror and dread, but he saw it. Fortunately, he must’ve thought that I was scared of dragons, because he smiled and said, “It’s okay, the government sent half of its eastern troops here. We’ll be fine.” 

That’s not what I’m worried about. I thought, my heart pounding. Who did they capture? Did they get Chasm? No, they must know by now that they can’t hurt him. He’s a ghost! Then… who is it? 

I ran all the way to the center of town, hoping to catch a glimpse of the captured dragon.

But no, there was no dragon. On the stage that the military seemed to have set up, was a bound man. Behind him was a row of soldiers, all their rifles were pointed at his head, and in front of him was a military general in uniform with a gun in his hands.

That man was my neighbor.

Chapter 4

“Mr. Jesper Solano.” the military general started pacing the stage, “You have been convicted of treason against the United Government and what it represents. Shall I read the charges?” he held up a small tablet.

He looked at the general, “I don’t care.”

“Very well.” he started listing them out, “Sheltering a dragon under the same roof as yours. Hiding a dragon from the local authorities. Interacting with a dragon in a friendly matter. Welcoming a dragon into your home.”

As he went on, I saw Jesper’s eyes grow darker with frustration and rage. I never felt so guilty in my life. It was because of me. Someone must’ve seen me in my hybrid form. Or they must’ve followed me into the woods. Oh god, what should I do?

Once the military general finished, he looked down at Jesper, “Do you deny any of the charges?”

“Yes, I do.” he growled, “Because none of them are true! Elisa is not a dragon! She’s a human being through and through!”

I bit my lip. I’m so sorry, Jesper. I’m not a human. I am a dragon. I started forming a plan to save him. 

“Elisa?” a woman turned to look at me and I paled, “Isn’t that you? Elisa Whitewood?”

I opened my mouth to deny it, but my voice didn’t seem to work.

“Sir!” the woman grabbed my arm and shouted, “I found her!”

I shook her hand off and started to run in the opposite direction, but the people caught me and dragged me to the stage.

“Thank you, ma’am.” the general pulled me onto the platform and forced me to kneel. He took out a knife and placed it at my throat.

“Alright, dragon. Out with it.” he whispered into my ear.

I was frozen with fear, though, none of my limbs seemed to be working. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart. My thoughts slipped in and out of my mind like water. I wasn’t able to grasp onto any of them. I was so scared that I wasn’t able to transform. 

“Stop it…” Jesper’s voice was quiet and soft. It trembled, “She’s not a dragon…”

“You can see it in her eyes, kid!” the general yanked my hair and pulled my head back, exposing more of my neck, “She’s one of them. The United Government doesn’t take kindly to traitors or dragon filth.”

I opened my mouth to speak.

“Any last words, dragon?” the man asked.

My voice cracked when I said, “We never did anything to you.”

“Ha! You see, kid? She’s a dragon! Everyone!” he lifted his knife and roared, “We’ve captured one of them!”

The crowd cheered in response. Tears started forming in my eyes. I couldn’t bear to look at Jesper. 

The general lowered the blade, “And now she’s going to join her kin.”

I kept my eyes glued to the sky when all of the sudden, we all felt it.

It was said that humans and animals had a sixth sense, a gut feeling. It usually saved lives whenever situations became desperate. I felt something with my sixth sense. An extremely strong presence.

People stopped cheering and the general straightened, frowning. Even the soldiers behind us looked unsettled.

The hairs on my back stood up when I heard a low growl.

A shadow loomed over us for a split second before a huge creature landed on top of the crowd. Half of the people were crushed to death under his talons. Houses collapsed under his wings, and people started to scatter in different directions, away from the creature.

The general looked at the black and green dragon in front of him. 

“Equinox?” my voice was barely above a whisper.

He didn’t look much different. He certainly looked more worn out, and there were scars across his hide, both new and old. But he gave off a stronger presence, striking fear into the hearts of everyone in this town. His green eyes were narrowed into slits as he glared at the general holding the knife at my throat.

“Oh my god…” the soldiers murmured and shifted uncomfortably. I was willing to bet that they’ve never seen a live dragon before.

Equinox took a step forward and the general pressed the blade into my skin.

“Another step, dragon!” he shouted, “And I’ll cut your friend.”

He froze in his tracks and growled, revealing two rows of sharp teeth that can cut through anything.

“Equinox–” I hissed when the general drew blood from my neck.

“And you keep quiet.” he ordered.

“E-Elisa… you… you’re…” Jesper stammered.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I’m so sorry, Jesper…

“Now, dragon.” the general said slowly, “I’ll make a deal with you. You turn around and leave without another word, and I might spare your friend here.” 

Equinox kept his eyes on my captor, his body was completely still. 

“I’ll give you ten seconds to turn around and leave peacefully.” he said, “One… two…”

Equinox’s eyes flickered between me and my captor. Just leave, Equinox. You’re going to get hurt. I tried to get that message across.

“Three… four…”

The black dragon straightened slowly.


Equinox activated Phobia Eyes. His eyes darkened until they were pitch black, and everyone around me was affected.

The general started trembling and he fell to the floor, the knife still in his hands.

“W-what are… what are you…” his voice was weak and shaky.

Equinox blasted forward, picked me up in one talon, and took me with him into the sky. When he was up high enough to see the entire town, he unhinged his jaw.

I paled, “E-Equinox… wait, no–”

But it was too late. He unleashed his Shadow Breath onto the town and its people. I felt a pang of sadness when I realized that the entire town wouldn’t be able to escape its nightmare for a very long time.

Equinox escaped with me at maximum speed until we reached a mountain range in the north. There, he set me down slowly and collapsed onto the icy edge of a cliff.

I released my magic and turned into a dragon.


“What… the hell…” he panted, “were you doing… with humans?” he spat.

I looked down at my talons, “I’m sorry–”

“You were supposed to hide!” he got up and glared at me.

“I know, but I thought–”

“You thought?” his tail lashed out and sent a chunk of icy rock flying. “You thought it was a good idea to hang out with the humans when you were supposed to be hiding from them?”

I felt really guilty, but now wasn’t the time to argue.

“I… listen, we can talk about this another time. We need to get out of here.” I crept towards him and ducked under his wing.

“What are you doing?” he asked, stepping away from me.

I flushed when I realized what this might’ve looked like to him, but I pushed those thoughts away. “I’m helping you up.”

“You can barely carry yourself, Equaria.” he shook me off and leaned down to sniff me, “What have you been eating? Or have you not eaten at all?”

I used my wings to hide the ribs poking out of my torso, “It’s fine.” I said.

“You’re underfed.” he shook his head, “Equaria, first I had to witness your execution, then I find you starving?”

“Listen, living with the humans–”

“Living with the humans,” Equinox took a step forward, his eyes glowing with rage, “has brought you nothing but trouble!”

“I had a friend among them, though.” I retorted, “He did nothing wrong! None of them did anything wrong! But you imprisoned them in eternal darkness anyways!”

“Hey, if you have a problem, then you can go back and join them!” his talons gripped the icy floor. “The least you can do is to be grateful that I found you in time!”

I had nothing to say to that. He’s right. He did save me. I dipped my head and closed my eyes.

“I… I’m sorry.” I whispered and crouched down, “You’re right, I’m sorry.”

Equinox looked away, “It’s fine. We’re both on edge right now.” he said quietly.

I shook my head, “No, really. I’m sorry.”

“If you’re sorry, you’d do something to make up for it.” Equinox said, his tone had a hard edge to it, “Come on. We need to get out of here. There are human residing on this mountain. We need to get to dragon territory.”

I flinched at his tone, but I nodded, “Y-yeah… right.”

It saddened me when I learned that the dragon border had been pushed back several hundred kilometers over the past twelve years. Equinox filled me in, telling me how he spent the last decade getting dragons to safety and fighting humans who invaded our borders. He met Chasm along the way and the ghost dragon said that it wasn’t going well for the dragons. They’ve managed to stop the number of dead dragons from increasing, but there seemed to be more going on then they thought. They said that there were a group of dragons that attacked other dragons along with humans. No one knew their intentions, and no one liked the fact that they may have to kill their own kind.

I felt even guiltier after hearing his story. I felt like all I did was hide while others fought. I felt ashamed and cowardly, which pretty much described me. I wanted to do something, but I was too scared to, and it really frustrates me to think that I want something that I don’t work for.

When we crossed the border and into dragon territory, I felt safer, but I also felt the tension in the air. The dragons were fighting a losing battle, and if something doesn’t happen soon, we’re going to perish. Part of me hoped that Chasm found a way to quickly end the war, but knowing reality, I knew that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

Equinox and I stopped about one hundred kilometers into our territory. We rested on an island off the coast of the western dragon land. Equinox insisted that we kept away from the mainland until we reached familiar territory, since tensions between dragons were also rising ever since the dragon killing dragon incident.

I sat in the water lapping at the sandy shores of the beach. I stared up at the full moon and stars. Normally, I would’ve considered it peaceful and relaxing under the moon, but now I just feel like a group of rogue dragons would ambush us from the shadows of the night.

Then I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turned and saw my companion hold up a caught fish.

“Hungry?” he asked.

I smiled politely and shook my head, “No, thank you.” I said, despite my rumbling stomach.

Equinox didn’t seem convinced, “Just eat it.” he tossed it to my feet, “You’re underfed.”

I looked down at the fish, “No, really, I’m not–”

“Would you stop being so damn stubborn and just eat it?” he sounded annoyed.

I winced inwardly and nodded slowly, “O-okay.” I bent down and took hesitant bites.

He left me alone after that.

I sighed and rested my head against my talons, letting the water lap at my snout. He hates me. I thought. Then again, who wouldn’t? I’m practically useless. Except when it comes to trivial stuff, like stories and creative ideas, then I’d be more than happy to express my ideas. So much for hoping to get his attention… he’s totally out of my league. I glanced up at the stars. Hm… I wonder what it’s like to be a star? Do you get to watch over mortals? Or maybe they’re a shroud. Yeah, the sky can be a shroud that covers the truth from our eyes. Or maybe the entire world is just a figment of our imagination? That’s an odd idea, but quite interesting if I’m going to base a story upon it… I realized that I had been dazing off and I shook my head. There I go again. Rambling on and on with myself. What is wrong with me? I feel like stories are a great thing, but realistically, they don’t really do anything much. And especially not in a time of war.

I breathed out a little bit of magic, letting the glittering whift of blue and white magic trickle into the ocean and seep into the sand.

Well, since I’ve got nothing better to do, I might as well practice my magic. It might give me the ability to safe myself at the very least.

I straightened myself to a sitting position and breathed out magic. It dispersed into the air like a breath on a winter morning. I closed my eyes and imagined it shaping into an illusion and sending it off into the sky. A bird, perhaps.

I breathed it out, trying to recreate the image I have in mind. It sort of formed, but then it disappeared. This happened for the next couple of tries. It wasn’t until the fifth or sixth attempt when I managed to shape it into the form of a bird. But it was just a bird. It didn’t do anything, and it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

I groaned softly and let myself fall onto the sand. Great. I can’t do that either. What have I been doing with my entire life? I realized that, never have I ever, in my life, done any combat or magic training. Have I wasted three centuries of my time? What have I been doing? I realized that I couldn’t remember.

I was just an ordinary dragon. Just another dragon in the tribe, nothing more. I was no warrior, healer, or diplomat. I was just a dragon. One amongst thousands (or hundreds if we’re going by the standards of right now).

I padded over to where Equinox was lying down. Oh, he’s sleeping. I’d better not disturb him. I turned to leave.

“What is it, Equaria?” he asked quietly.

I stopped in my tracks. “N… nothing.” I shook my head, “I’m sorry to disturb you.”

“I haven’t fallen asleep, so if you’ve got something to say, you’d better say it now before I doze off.” he said.

I loosed a breath and worked up the courage to ask. “Equinox… what have I been doing for the past three centuries?”

He turned around so his green eyes were on me, “It was your life, not mine. How am I supposed to know?”

I looked down, ashamed, “I forgot.” I murmured.

He sighed and got up, “Well, let’s see here… you were exceptionally close to Chasm. The only dragon who’s ever gotten that close, actually. I don’t know much, though. You were never the talkative type.” he glanced at me.

I blushed and looked away, “Keep going.” I mumbled.

“From what I’ve seen, you didn’t like arguments or interacting with dragons either. You were a peacemaker, but you never expressed your ideas. Whenever we had a tribal meeting, you would hang out in the back while we discussed matters. You seemed distant, like someone watching a family from afar. No offense, or anything.” he added hastily.

“It’s fine.” I said.

“And… you never participated in anything. Joint practice sessions, celebrations, meetings, even ceremonies. At least, I’ve never seen you in any of those. And when you ate, you ate alone or with Chasm.” he shrugged, “That’s pretty much it. I don’t know anything else beyond that.”

“So, I haven’t done anything to contribute to the tribe at all during my time there?” I asked bluntly.

Equinox was silent for a moment, then he asked, “Equaria, what’s on your mind?”

“Hm? Nothing, but was just a question.”

“No one asks that just because they’re curious.” he said, “Just because I was quiet doesn’t mean I didn’t know how to read dragons.”

I didn’t want to express my thoughts, so I kept silent. He laid back down.

“Fine, if you don’t want to talk, I won’t force you to.” he turned around and dozed off.

I went back to the beach and lay down on the sand, looking up at the dark night sky. I really haven’t done anything for anyone before. I thought. I really am a horrible dragon, aren’t I?

We made it to the dragon city by late afternoon the next day. Apparently, several tribes decided to group together and work as a community to keep dragons safe. Eventually, the entire northern region of dragon territory became a huge city of dragons.

Equinox was one of the many dragons who were willing to fight and cross the border to save other dragons, so he earned the respect of the citizens. Everyone in the city had a role to keep the community running. Equinox thought that it was going to be the safest place for me to stay, and we can find out more about my unique physiology.

They seemed to have created a force field around the mountain range. There were caves and seemed to mark the entrances into the underground tunnels that connected the city. Since humans have ships that can fly, dragons had to hide in case of an emergency.

Equinox landed in front of the force field. I felt a tingly sensation as I neared the force field. Maybe it was because my body was mostly made up of magic?

Equinox took out a smooth white stone and swallowed it. He gave me one as well, “Swallow this.” he said and walked through the force field easily.

Curious, I reached out and touched the field. I was able to see a shimmering outline, but it wasn’t like a glass dome where you can see the sun reflecting off of the smooth sides.

To my surprise, my talon went right through the force field. A bell started ringing. It echoed across the valley and swarms of dragons flew out of the cave, rushing towards us.

Equinox’s eyes widened, “Equaria, what did you do?” he demanded.

“I-I didn’t… I didn’t do anything!” I protested, “I swear! I just–”

“Restrain her!” two huge muscular male dragons tackled me onto the ground and pinned me to the earth as three more smaller dragons rushed up to me and shackled me with heavy black chains.

“Wait! I swear, I didn’t do anything–” I cried out desperately, but they were too busy trying to immobilize me.

“Knock her out, now! She’s a threat!” someone in the back said, and it was the last thing I remembered before losing consciousness.

I woke up, and for a dreadful moment, I thought I was blind. The room was so dark that I can’t even see my own talons. But then my eyes adjusted and I was barely able to see the tips of my white talons and the faint glow of my magic.

I felt drained and weak. Maybe I fought back harder than I intended to? Regardless, I was a prisoner. And it didn’t take long before I started panicking.

I got desperate, so I started clawing in front of me, hoping to find a door of some kind. But there was nothing. Just a rough wall made of rock. I heard nothing, saw nothing, and felt nothing. If it weren’t for the walls around me, I would’ve thought I was dead.

I calmed myself down after a long time.

First, you need to figure out where the heck you are. Don’t panic. If you panic, you’re as good as dead! Calm yourself and find a hole, crack, anything.

But there were no flaws in the walls or the ground. Eventually, I gave up and slumped onto the ground, tears sliding down my face.

Please… somebody… I need to get out of here… I didn’t do anything wrong… please… I closed my eyes and tried to will myself out of this nightmare.

For what seemed to be years, I lay in my prison, restless but tired at the same time. The shackles binding me seemed to sap at my energy and magic, because when I tried to breath magic, I couldn’t. The frustration was like the frustration someone would get when they couldn’t preform something even when they know they can and have done it before.

I curled up into a small ball and stayed like that until sleep finally came for me.

Chapter 5

When I woke up, I felt a pain in my stomach. It must’ve been because I was too hungry. The only thing I ate for the past two days was the fish that Equinox forced me to eat. Plus, I’ve been underfed for the past 12 years. I realized that I was on the verge of starvation, if I wasn’t already. I was also dehydrated. My throat was so dry that I didn’t think I was able to whisper if I wanted to.

Then I heard a rumbling. I turned around to see what it was and I saw the walls of my prison sliding open and a blinding light made me wince and look away.

“This is the prisoner?” a deep and old male voice asked.

“Yes, sire.” a young female dragon’s voice said, “The prisoner’s been kept here for one week, awaiting your arrival, sir!”

One week? Scratch that, then. I’ve been here for a week. I’ve gone nine days without something to eat, and seven days without something to drink. I thought, barely managing to gather my thoughts.

“Take her to the throne room, guard.” I heard someone leave, and I felt a rough talon haul me to my feet.

“On your feet! Walk!” the young red female dragon in front of me shoved me into the corridor outside of my cell.

I blinked and realized that the light that blinded me came from a torch. The corridor had two rows of them. The wall behind me closed and sealed itself shut.

“I said, walk!” she lashed out with her tail and caught my wings. I cried out in pain, but I did as I was told, though I almost had no strength.

We walked up a spiral staircase and emerged in a huge chamber. There was no ceiling, and the sky above me was blue and clear. To my right was a platform made of stone. There were two streams trickling down the steps from a small pond behind the throne made of a green stone, maybe jade. And behind and above the throne was a circular opening, it’s purpose unknown. Across from me, on the other side of the room, were three caves that led to different places. In the center of the room was a huge pond. I craned my neck to try and see the bottom, but there was no bottom. And to my right was an arch that led outside. I could see other dragons going about their daily lives and I wished that I can join them.

Every fiber in my being told me to run, to escape. But there was no escaping. Not with my chains, and even if I could, where would I go? Every dragon in the land is going to go after me. The best thing I can do right now was to be patient.

“Get over there, now!” the dragon pushed me to the ground, kneeling towards an empty throne.

Four dragons came out of a cave besides the one I exited from. They lined up on the platform and in front of the throne.

More dragons started to emerge from the other caves. Their heads were high and their backs straight. The water from the center pond splashed and two serpent heads emerged from the surface.

So that’s what’s it for. I thought. Most interesting and odd, but that way, they can include all different breeds of dragons.

Soon, the entire throne room was filled with dragons.

“All kneel for his majesty, our emperor, Imperial Draegalha!”

Draegalha? But that’s my tribe’s name! What’s going on? I looked up.

A gold dragon similar to Legendary flew through the circular opening behind the throne and hovered above it, his green eyes swept across the crowd.

“Rise.” he said and everyone obeyed, though I couldn’t because of the guard behind me.

“Morningstar, you summoned me?” Imperial turned to look at one of the dragons on the platform.

“Sire.” he was the one who commanded the guard to bring me up, “One of your soldiers, Equinox, brought a dragon who broke through the force field. We suspect she’s one of the enemy.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but he continued.

“Why else would she break through?”

Imperial held up a talon and looked at me. I lowered my eyes. I didn’t think I was supposed to be looking at an emperor. Why was there an emperor anyways? I thought that the tribes lived on their own, not subjected to a single ruler.

“Let the dragon speak for herself.” he commanded, “Why did you break into the force field?”

“I didn’t… Sire,” I corrected myself. I was speaking to the emperor, after all, “I didn’t break into the city, I swear. I just wanted to touch it, to see what it felt like, when my talon slipped through.”

“Did you consume a Guardian Stone?” he asked.

He must’ve been referring to the stones that Equinox swallowed and gave me. I shook my head, “No, I was going to.”

Imperial looked at the crowd, “Were there any witnesses?”

Everyone stayed silent, except for one.

“I was there, sire.” Equinox stepped out of the crowd. I had never been more relieved to see him.

“Equinox, is it true that you brought her here?”

“Yes, sire.”

“For what purpose? Shelter?”

Equinox nodded, “Yes, sire.”

Imperial looked at me, then back at Equinox, “Where did you find her?”

“In a human city.” he answered without hesitation.

Everyone shifted and started murmuring amongst themselves.

Imperial held up a talon to silence everyone. “Human city, you say? Is that why she’s underfed?”

I flushed with embarrassment. Equinox nodded, “Yes, sire. She’s been hiding within the human ranks, eating as much as an ordinary human would to make sure she doesn’t get found. Unfortunately, when I found her, the humans have already seen through her disguise and was about to execute her.”

“Explain how she slipped through the force field.” Imperial said.

“I’m unsure, sire. But I suspect it has something to do with her… unique physiology.” Equinox glanced at me and I looked down at the ground.

“Indeed, the female has off-the-chart magical energy coming off of her. And her body is… odd.” one of the dragons on the platform squinted at me, “Are you suggesting that it was because her body merged with the magic in the force field, enabling her to slip past easily?”

“I’m not suggesting anything, captain.” Equinox bowed his head, “I’m merely speculating.”

“In any case, she’s dangerous! If she gets influenced by the enemy, she can do serious harm to our city!” the third member of the group on the platform insisted, “She should be executed immediately.”

“Inferno, you are on this council for your wisdom and years of experience.” Imperial turned to look at the last member of the group who hasn’t spoken yet. “I seek your guidance.”

The dark red dragon sighed and closed his eyes, “In my thousands of years, I have never seen one like her. But her potential… it goes beyond our wildest imagination. If trained properly, she will surpass the greatest of all dragons. Dragons like Seraph, Boreal, Solar… they’re no match for her.”

“She would second our goddess, Celeste?” Imperial asked quietly.

Inferno looked into my eyes, “Perhaps, but no training we offer would bring her to her fullest potential. There are no dragons in this world like her.”

“Are you saying that we should let her roam around the city freely? Unsupervised?” the dragon who suggested to kill me demanded.

“If we treat her like a prisoner, she’s more likely to rebel against us, and that’s the last thing we want.”

I wanted to speak for myself. I wanted them to stop discussing me like I’m an object. “Uh, excuse–”

“You will speak when spoken to!” the guard behind me hit me, hard.

“Let her speak, Whirlpool.” the one Equinox referred as “captain” said.

Whirlpool let go of me and I looked at the council on the platform, “Um… I… your majesty, I… I don’t know if you know this, but I was–am, a member of the Draegalha tribe.”

“You know my descendant, Legendary?” Imperial asked.

“Y-yes, sire.” I nodded, “He was my tribe leader… before he disbanded the tribe for our safety. And… I just want to make it clear that… my loyalties are to my fellow dragons.”

The emperor gave me a long, hard look, then he looked at the guard behind me, “Let her go.”

There were a couple of gasps and protests from the crowd, and especially from the dragon that wanted me dead, but Imperial shook his head. “My orders are clear. Let her go. She’s one of us. If we cast her aside and execute her now, we would be no better than the humans.”

The dragons stopped talking and looked at each other.

“Let her go, Whirlpool.” Imperial said.

The dragon unlocked the chains and I felt much more comfortable after that.

“All of you are dismissed except for you, dragonet.” Imperial looked at me.

I nodded hesitantly.

Once everyone was gone, and the emperor and I were alone, he asked quietly, “What is your name?”

“Equaria, sire.” I answered.

“Equaria, I’m going to give you a chance to prove your loyalties. You say that you were once a member of the Draegalha tribe? Well, I believe you. And on behalf of my people, I apologize for throwing you into a cell. I do hope that you understand that it is standard procedure.”

Sure, but did it really take you that long to realize that your dragons threw me into a cell? Or is it standard procedure to wait for a week? But nevertheless, I was really grateful that he let me go, “Thank you, your majesty.”

“You may leave.” he nodded.

I was about to turn when I stopped, “Your majesty… no offense, but I’ve never heard of a dragon emperor before.”

Imperial shrugged, “It’s normal. That’s because all members of the royal family are kept secret. Legendary’s family decided to start their own tribe. They thought that it would’ve been better if they interacted with their fellow dragons instead of ordering them around.”

“So that… they can get to know their citizens?” I asked.

Imperial nodded, “Exactly!” he said.

I nodded, “That’s… admirable.”

“Yes, I’m rather proud of them myself… but as emperor, as much as I would like to join them, I am needed here.” he said, “Ever since the humans pushed their borders, I had decided to make my existence public to maintain order in our community.”

“That was really brave of you.” I said.

He dipped his head, “I thank you. Now, why don’t you help out some of the dragons out there?”

I nodded again, “I will, thank you, sire.”

“Of course.”

The dragon city was really big, and even as the day passed, I still wasn’t able to explore all of it. Apparently, they split the entire city into different branches. The biggest branch was called the Branch of the Sword and Shield, which consisted of the Imperial Guard and Dagger Fang Guild. 

The Imperial Guard was an organization consisting of members of the royal guard and personal protection squads. It was mainly for dragons interested in protecting the dragons from outsiders.

The Dagger Fang Guild, on the other hand, were for dragons who were willing to fight at the front lines or scout the enemy. It was a more dangerous job to do, but some dragons weren’t able to stand just sitting around and guarding a gate. Equinox was part of this guild.

The second largest branch in the city was the Winged Shelter. It was where all the dragons who were interested in maintaining or contributing to the city met up. The Winged Shelter consisted of volunteers who helped supply the Imperial Guard and Dagger Fang Guild, built homes, and cared for the wounded or elderly. I also found out that the Winged Shelter taught and took care of young dragonets whose parents have died during the war, so that was what I did. I’ve always been fond of young dragonets. 

There were also other branches, but these two were the main branches that kept the city together. 


I turned around, “Equinox! Hey!” my heart started speeding up.

He looked at me, “I… I would like to apologize for not intervening when they took you away… you didn’t do anything wrong, but I stood there and did nothing to stop them.”

“It’s okay.” I shook my head, “I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine.” he pointed at my torso, “You’re on the verge of starvation.”

I shrugged, “It’s fine. I got used to it over the past decade.”

“Still.” Equinox shook his head, “At least let me–”


We both turned around and saw a light purple female dragon land next to him. She was fit and well built. I took in the battle scars on her torso and her wings and knew that she belonged in the Dagger Fang Guild. Maybe they were friends?

“Oh hey!” she nodded at me before turning back to him, “Equinox, we’re needed at the front. They’re attacking.”

“Again?” Equinox growled, “But they came last week–”

“I know, but we can’t control stuff like this. We’re leaving in a few minutes.” she said, “It’s a huge army, so half of us are leaving.”

“Half?” Equinox echoed, “How many–”

“There’s no time to explain! We have to go!” she grabbed Equinox’s wing and dragged him off.

I blinked and watched them go. 

Maybe I should train myself. Be like Tempest and go deep into the mountains to practice my magic. I thought. Then, I can actually be useful.

So that was what I did.

The city was big, but even when I got to the most remote places within the force field, there were still one or two dragons present. So, I had no choice but to slip out. The alarm didn’t sound this time. Maybe it was because I was leaving? But that was the least of my problems. It took my half an hour of flying before I realized that I may not be able to get back inside without sounding the alarm again.

But, I was already on my way, so I didn’t bother going back.

I landed on a mountain about three hundred kilometers from the city. It was quiet, and I almost didn’t want to practice my magic here, for fear of disturbing the wildlife.

But I promised myself that I would learn. I thought, clenching my jaw. So learn, I will.

I got to a clearing and closed my eyes, shaping my magical energy into something simple, like a cube or a sphere. But it wasn’t as easy as I thought. And I was still drained from the whole week of no food or water.

For Celeste’s sake, just shape into an image already! As time passed, I grew more and more frustrated until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I yelled and lashed out with all the energy in my body.

The forest around me went silent for a split second, before a huge magic barrier swept across the woods around me, spreading out in all directions. The trees creaked and groaned, and soon, light started shining out from under the bark. The leaves became greener, and the forest looked more full of life. 

My heart slowed down and I frowned. What… what did I just do? I thought, looking around me. I didn’t harm the forest or anything, but… I definitely changed it.

The ground under me started to glow all of the sudden and out came a green eastern dragon. I stumbled backwards and gazed up, awed. 

The dragon before me was huge, and its body looked like it was made of jade… or glass. There were dark green glassy antlers and silver hair on his head, and his entire body glowed gold and green. He had five talons, just like Legendary, and his eyes were glowing red.

“Another one?” were the first words out of his mouth. “You must be new.”

I gaped at him, my eyes wide with shock.

He rolled his eyes, “By Celeste, if you were the one who made this mess…” he looked around and turned back to me, “Who are you anyways? How long have I been asleep? Are you an Adamant Dragon? I mean, you have to be. Unless,” he narrowed his eyes, “are you a spy? Who sent you?”

I stuttered, “I-I… uh…” Did he just say Adamant.

Before the tribes started (and probably way before there was a royal dragon family), dragons lived in peace with each other, since there weren’t that many. Humans started referring to us dragons as Adamant Dragons because our scales and hides were so tough (they didn’t have technology that rivaled us back then), so dragons started calling themselves Adamant Dragons, since there weren’t any names for the different breeds of dragons.

Then, a war between dragons broke out. They weren’t able to agree on a single god or goddess, since many were convinced that Celeste, our guardian, wasn’t the only goddess in the heavens, and that we should welcome more deities into our lives (dragons back then were all pretty religious and serious about this stuff). But the majority of the dragons still believed in Celeste, and referred to their fallen kin as “Fallen Stars”, since they no longer believed in Celeste. Eventually, the entire dragon community broke into tribes and clans and resulted in the tribes that we see today.

The only problem was… that was eons ago.

“A-Adamant Dragon?” I whispered, “Did you… did you just say… Adamant Dragon?”

“Are you deaf? What’s wrong with you?” he leaned over and knocked on my head. I ducked down.

“I’m sorry, but there aren’t any Adamant Dragons… or Fallen Stars.” I shook my head.

“Huh? What do you mean?” he growled, “We’re at war, and then I was one of the few who were charged to guard the Celestial Grove, which is what this is!” he waved at the forest around us, “Unfortunately, you trashed the place! Now tell me, if you’re a spy, who sent you?” his body started to glow.

“Spy?” I shook my head, “No, no! I’m from Draegalha! You know, one of the tribes?” though I suspected that he didn’t know.

I was right. He bared his fangs, “Draegalha? What type of a name is that? What tribe?”

“Um… do you know the current emperor?” I asked.

The dragon snorted, “Emperor? Ha! That’s stupid. There are barely enough of us to create a community, much less a hierarchy!”

So he really wasn’t from this era… but then, how did he travel through time? He mentioned something about waking up… is he a spirit? Like Chasm?

“Um… do you remember the last thing that happened to you?” I asked quietly.

“Why would you want to know?”

“Please, it’s important.” I pleaded.

He looked away, “Tch.” he muttered something to himself before saying out loud, “I was guarding the place, and it was so boring that I probably dozed off, okay? Happy? If you’re here to check on things, tell Mister High and Mighty down there,” he pointed at the forest, probably a path down the mountains, “that he owes me one, so we’re even!”

“What are you talking about?” I straightened, “Listen, I’m not sure you know what’s going on! The humans are pushing our borders farther and farther up north! We–”

“Humans?” he laughed, “Humans? You’re kidding, right? Humans are puny creatures, like, about this tiny?” he put up his talon and pressed his claws together, “Are you sure we’re talking about the same humans? The one I’m talking about use wooden spears and hunt in packs, like wolves. I think the last time I checked, they just discovered how to start fire, which is quite impressive.” he nodded as if agreeing to his own statement.

I gave him a long, hard look. And he glanced at me, confused.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“I’ll give you hell before I give you my name. For all I know, you may be–”

“Just give me your name, please?” I insisted.

He raised an eyebrow, “Requiem.” he answered.

“Requiem?” I repeated. “That’s a really… old name.”

“Excuse me? What about you? What type of name do you have?” he asked, leaning down to look at me.

“My name is Equaria.”

“Equaria? Weird name, if you ask me.” he sat down on the grass.

“Listen, Requiem,” I held up my fore talons peacefully, “whatever I tell you, you have to believe, okay? I swear that this is not a joke, prank, or trick.”

“Give me a good reason why.” he said.

“I can’t give you one. You just have to trust me.” I said calmly.

“Shoot, then.” he said.

“Okay.” There was no turning back now. “Requiem,” I took a deep breath, “The war of the Adamant and Star ended eons ago.”

He blinked, his face expressionless. But his tone was anything but emotionless, “Eons, you say?” he said softly.

“Yes.” I nodded, “Well, technically, the war didn’t end. It kind of stopped by itself. Dragons started getting tired of the war, so they stopped. But since the dragons weren’t able to get back together again, they decided to stay the way they were, as tribes and clans.”

Requiem looked at me evenly before turning around, his back facing me, “You’re telling me… my friends and family… are long dead?” he asked.

I nodded, “I’m sorry, Requiem.” I said softly.

It took him a while to take it all in. When he turned back around, his red eyes were no longer ablaze. They were dull and almost lifeless, “Leave.” he said in a cold voice, “Leave, now.”

I didn’t want to disturb him, so I dipped my head, “I’ll see you later, I guess.” I spread my wings and took off into the sky.

A week passed, and Equinox and the others finally came back. During that time, I spent most of my hours working with young dragonets. There was one named Xeno. A very polite and interesting young female, if you ask me. She was curious and very outgoing. A nice dragonet that everyone loved.

I saw Equinox talking to the female dragon that pulled him away the other day, and I decided not to bother them. Instead, I decided to look for other members of the tribe, secretly hoping to see more familiar faces.

I went to the underground city below the mountains for the first time and discovered that the entire place was like a bee hive. There were huge alcoves dug into this gigantic cavern’s walls, creating entrances and exits that led deeper into the mountains. Homes were built in the alcoves, but some of them led deep underground, but what lay on the other side of the tunnels remained unknown to me.

The entire cavern was easily a couple kilometers wide in diameter. There were stalactites the size of human buildings and skyscrapers that housed dragons and their families, and at the very bottom of the cavern was a huge lake where serpents and hydras dwelled. It was as if these caverns were made to house all the different breeds of dragons. It was amazing, and with such a big city, it was hard to believe that the humans were driving us into extinction. 

I landed on an island to look into the lake below. I found another city underwater for the serpents and the hydras. There was very little light, but I learned from Tsunami, Riptide, and Typhoon that hydras and serpents didn’t need light. They didn’t even need to see. They would use something called echolocation to “feel” where they were going. When I asked them what they sounded like underwater, they told me to fly to the middle of the ocean and dip my head into the water.

Well… I’m not going to be able to visit the ocean any time soon, so… might as well… I submerged my head underwater and blinked.

It was amazing! There were high pitches and low pitches, and they all seemed to call out to each other from the deepest parts of the city to the shallow ends of the water. The voices echoed through the underwater caverns and city. 

Then I saw a huge serpent swim pass me. His scales were light blue and glittered like diamonds, even under the faint firelight. He glanced at me, frowning. Maybe he was wondering what I was doing here.

“I’m just looking!” I called out. My voice was distorted, but he probably got the message, because he nodded slowly, still looking confused, and left.

I leaned deeper into the water, my talons gripping the edges of the island I was on. The cool water refreshed my mind and the voices calmed me. I didn’t know how long I was in the water, but I didn’t want to come back out.

Then, my talons slipped and I screamed, splashing into the water. I was a dragon, my wings and talons weren’t meant for swimming, so all I was able to do was to barely keep my head above the water. My heart rate literally went from 0 to 1,000, and I was gulping down water as much as air. I choked and splashed, trying to focus on the island in front of me.

After what seemed like forever, someone… or rather, three someones, shoved me out of the water and I landed onto hard earth. I coughed and sputtered, some water was still in my lungs, and my eyes were streaming with tears.

“Equaria?” a familiar voice said.

I blinked and looked up. Three familiar faces were looking down at me.

“T-Tsunami…” I rasped, “Riptide, Typhoon–” I was cut off by another coughing fit.

“So it was you!” Typhoon cried out in delight, “Wow! How long as it been? Ten, twelve years?”

“Typhoon, shut up! She literally almost drowned!” Tsunami snapped and looked back at me, “Equaria, are you alright?” she asked, concerned.

“Y-yeah.” I took a deep breath, “I’ll be fine.”

“Did someone push you? What were you doing underwater in the first place?” Tsunami started firing questions at me.

“Tsunami, I don’t think we should–” Riptide tried to say, but Tsunami shoved him aside.

“And what are you doing here? Who brought you here? I thought you were still in prison! Who was the one who framed you?”

“I appreciate your concern, Tsunami.” I stood up and shook the water off of me, “But I’ll be fine. Yes, I was in prison, but only for a week.”

“And you’re underfed!” Tsunami started sniffing me.

“Tsunami, I really think we should leave her alone now.” Riptide said in a pleading voice, “I’m sure she’s had a rough day, after what happened.”

Tsunami rolled her eyes, “Fine, fine, wise guy!”

I chuckled. So, they haven’t changed one bit. I thought.

“But, if anyone bullies you, Equaria,” Tsunami bared her teeth, “We’ll kill him, got that? The Draegalha tribe may be disbanded, but we’re still supposed to help each other.”

I nodded, “Of course. Thank you, Tsunami, Riptide, Typhoon!” I nodded to each of them before spreading my wings.

“See you around, then!” They bade me farewell and I took off.

When I emerged back above ground, Equinox almost crashed into me.

“There you are!” he exclaimed, “Celeste, I was looking all over for you!”

“W-What do you–” I stuttered.

“The emperor summoned you! He says that he might’ve found someone to train you.” he said and pulled me to the palace.

Imperial was hovering above his throne when we arrived, his eyes lit up when he saw us.

“Ah! There you are! Now we just need to wait for Icefang.”

Equinox made a choking noise, “I-Ice… fang?” he sputtered.

Imperial sighed and closed his eyes, “Equinox, I understand your relationship with him, but he’s the only dragon here powerful enough to help Equaria here.”

“Your majesty, with all due respect, Icefang is not a suitable–”

“I’ve already summoned him here, Equinox. He’s arriving thousands of kilometers from the north. I don’t wish to ask him to return after all the trouble he went through to come here.” Imperial said calmly.

Equinox gaped and I started to get nervous.

“Um… is Icefang–”

“He’s a narcissist, arrogant, overconfident, shameless, dishonorable, untrustworthy…” Equinox shook his head, “The list goes on! The point is, Icefang can’t be trusted to train Equaria! He’s full of himself and would probably kill Equaria to save his own hide–”

We suddenly heard a cracking noise. I turned and saw the entrance of the palace starting to freeze over. Was this his power? I asked myself. He’s powerful…

The frost reached the throne and froze the two ponds over. Soon, we found ourselves in a palace covered in silver ice.

Imperial sighed, “And, here he comes…”

A very tall silver and blue ice dragon stepped into the palace. His body gave off a powerful white glow, similar to Frostbite’s, only hers was weaker. Even from here, I was able to sense powerful magic from him. His scales glowed, and one of his eyes was… replaced, I think. When I squinted to get a closer look, I gasped when I realized that it was a makeshift eye made of ice. The dragon had wings that looked like bird wings, but made of blue and white ice. 

He stopped at the entrance and flashed us a devilish grin.

“You called for me, your majesty?” he bowed mockingly.

I looked back at the dragon emperor to see his reaction, but apparently, he didn’t say anything. He just beckoned the ice dragon forward, “Come in, Icefang.”

The dragon took a couple of steps forward before looking at Equinox, “Oh! You were here? I’m sorry, I didn’t see you, since my magic can be overpowering.” he said sarcastically.

Equinox gritted his teeth, “Nice to see you too, Icefang.” he growled.

Now I knew what Equinox meant when he said narcissist and arrogant. 

Icefang looked at me and pushed Equinox aside, “Well, what have we here?” he leaned close to me, “Your body’s made of magic? How lovely.” he smiled and I flushed deep crimson.

“H-hello.” I murmured, ducking down and avoiding his gaze.

“Respect private space, will you?” Equinox shoved Icefang back and bared his own fangs.

“Both of you, enough!” Imperial said firmly, “Icefang, we’re here to discuss business, not flirting or starting fights.”

“Oh, my sincere apologies, majesty.” he said, bowing.

“Alright.” Imperial relaxed his posture, “Icefang, I requested your presence for a reason.”

“Yes, I am assuming you did.” he shrugged, “But you could’ve summoned me for many reasons too. You could’ve needed a replacement for this sorry excuse for a soldier.” he nodded at Equinox.

Equinox dug his talons into the ice, cracking the floor, “Excuse me?” he said quietly.

“Icefang, I said enough!” Imperial repeated, “I asked you here because I need your assistance, or rather… this young dragon needs your assistance.” he pointed at me.

Icefang looked at me, “My assistance, eh?” he turned to face me, “So, what do you need me to do? Shall I assist you while you… please yourself?” he smirked.

My eyes widened and my face turned redder than a tomato.

Equinox snapped and lunged at the ice dragon, his talons raked across Icefang’s flank and he opened his mouth, preparing to use his shadow breath on him.

Imperial intervened this time. I blinked and found him hovering between the two young male dragons.

“If any of you dare shed any blood in my palace,” Imperial snarled and I quivered with fear, “you’ll both find yourselves in a very difficult position, understood?”

Equinox clenched his jaw and backed away. Icefang smiled, “Sure.” he said casually and backed down as well.

Imperial straightened, “Now, to finish this.” he turned to me, “Equaria, it’s your choice on whether or not you want Icefang to train you.”

“W-what would happen if I agreed?” I asked shakily, still trying to get over Imperial’s sudden burst of temper.

“Then you’ll come with me, of course!” Icefang said, “I’ve always wanted company! But none of my girlfriends had wanted to come back, since it was always freezing up there.”

Girlfriends? I thought and looked away.

“And, of course, if Icefang is okay with it.” Imperial said.

“Of course I’m good with it! Why would I not be good with a female dragon coming back home with me?”

“You guard your tongue, Icefang.” Equinox said, his tone dangerously low.

“And you, my friend,” Icefang clapped Equinox’s shoulder, “need to take a chill pill.”

“But, if Equaria doesn’t want to train,” Imperial said, “it is her decision.”

“What? Aw, come on! I thought this stuff was mandatory!” Icefang groaned.

I started thinking. To be honest… I don’t think it’d be a good idea to stay with him. But… I’ve spent three centuries doing nothing for my tribe. And when I tried to use my magic, I failed. I couldn’t even shape it into the most basic of things, much less fight with it. Those twelve years of starvation slimmed me down, but I’m nowhere near being in shape. Even if I didn’t want to train with Icefang, I still have to. It’s for the others and myself. If I can’t defend myself and continue to be a burden to other dragons, I might as well commit suicide. I’ve been nothing but selfish in my life… besides, if I train and get stronger… maybe, just maybe… Equinox might… I glanced at the black dragon, who was still glaring at Icefang. No, I can’t think like that. I need to train for myself and the other dragons. It’s time that I did something with myself.

I looked up at the emperor, “I’ll do it.” I said.

“What?” Equinox yelped.

Icefang gave me a sly grin, “Alright, princess, you’re all mine now.” 

“Now, just hang on a second!” Equinox started protesting.

“It was her decision, and she made one.” Imperial said, “I’m sorry, Equinox, but she’s going to train with Icefang.”

“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” he yelled at me and I flinched.

“No, Equinox, wait–”

“Icefang may look like a lot of things, but I know who he really is!” Equinox continued shouting in my face.

If only I can tell him that I want to do this for everyone else and myself. Equinox, please try to understand. I thought, “Equinox, I need to train. I’ve spent 3 centuries doing nothing. It’s time I did something do contribute.” I said quietly.

The flight to Icefang’s home was surprisingly quiet. Icefang seemed pleased with himself that he ticked Equinox off, but overall, he was pretty quiet. A couple of questions about me here and there, but that was it.

We arrived at a snowy mountain range. The wind howled across the mountains and made me shiver and my teeth chatter. Was I going to train in these conditions? I thought worriedly.

Icefang led me towards the tallest mountain and flew into a cave. The cave was much warmer, and I sighed in relief when I finally landed. I shook off the snow on my hide and wings.

“Welcome to my humble abode.” Icefang bowed, “Shall I take you to your chambers? Or would you rather sleep with me?” he added with a flirtatious smile, “I promise we won’t get too rowdy.” he winked.

I blushed and stuttered, “I… my chambers, please.” I said quickly.

He laughed, “Suit yourself. You may regret it, though.” he led me deeper into the cave and stopped in front of a wall covered in ice, “Stand back.” he stepped backwards and rammed into the wall. It cracked and shattered immediately, revealing an empty space inside. It was pretty dark, and I shivered, but it was more than enough space.

“Now, for the furniture.” he padded back outside and came back in a few minutes with a huge heap of snow on his back. He turned, “Where would you like your bed, princess?” he asked, smiling.

“My bed?”

“Yes, your bed. I’m assuming that you would want a bed.” he nodded.

“Oh!” So, that heap of snow was going to be my bed? “Uh, just in that corner, please.” I pointed at the corner at the far end of the room.

He put the pile of snow down and smoothed it out so it looked like a cushion, “It won’t melt, not in this weather.” he answered my unvoiced question, “Now, the rest you would have to work for.” he said and walked out of the chamber, “If you want a door by tomorrow, you’ll have to work hard.” he called over his shoulder.

“Wait, what?” I stared as he left down the tunnel.

“Oh, and also!” he looked over his shoulder, “Do make sure that you don’t fall into eternal sleep… if you know what I mean.” he winked, “Sleep tight, princess!” he left.

I squinted through the darkness. He wants me to… sleep here? With no door? I walked over to the snow and collapsed onto it. I sunk into the fluffy white cushion and sighed. This may take a while to get used to.

Someone shook me awake.

“Didn’t I tell you not to fall into eternal sleep?” Icefang whispered into my ear.

I screamed and shot out of bed, scrambling for the door, still half asleep.

His laugh echoed through the tunnel, which made it even more menacing. I gasped and continued running until I saw a light. I half ran, half flew towards it and found myself tumbling down the side of a mountain. I groaned when I reached the bottom, my head spinning and in pain. I blinked and realized that I was looking at the moon.

Icefang landed beside me gracefully, “Did you sleep well, princess?” he asked as if everything in the world was fine. 

I growled and got up, “Please, please, don’t go into my room without permission, ever.” I snapped, annoyed and tired of his attitude.

“My apologies, princess.” he looked up at the sky, “Ah, perfect weather. The storm passed as well, so we’ll be good for a while.”

I’m going back to bed. I trudged groggily back towards the cave, but Icefang caught me.

“Where in the world do you think you’re going?” he asked with a sweet smile on his face.

“Back to bed.” I yawned.

“Oh, my dear, I cannot allow you to do that.” he said, “Your first day of training is starting now.”

“What?” that got my attention and got me awake, “What do you mean? Aren’t we supposed to train–”

“At dawn? Is that what they do things in the city?” he shook his head, “No, princess, we’re training under the moon. At least, for the first few days we are. Because it’s the coldest during the night, and I want to see just how strong you are.”

He was right, it was colder during the night, especially when you were standing in the snow in the high mountains. I was shaking from the cold and from the shock, and I clenched my jaw to stop my teeth from chattering.

“Alright, fine.” I whispered, “What do you want me to do?”

“Well, I don’t want you to fall back into eternal sleep.” he started pacing around me, “We can start with a couple of laps.”

My heart weighed down with dread. “Laps?” I repeated. Just thinking about it made me tired. (Then again, I wasn’t fit, so…)

“Yes, my dear. Laps.” Icefang grinned, “But, you’re always welcome on my lap.”

I turned away, “J-just… please tell me what I have to do.” I mumbled.

He laughed, “Ten around this mountain. Go on. I shall see you soon, princess.”

I sighed and took off into the darkness.

When I came back, I collapsed onto the snow and heaved. I felt like throwing up.

“Was that too much for you, princess?” he bent down with mock concern.

I shoved his snout away and laid back down. I didn’t have enough breath to respond.

He chuckled, “Alright, princess. I’ll tell you how and why I’m going to train you.” he said, “On your feet, my dear.”

I heaved myself to my talons, my wings still draped over the snow, “Alright… go ahead…” I rasped.

Icefang started his explanation, “Your body is not powerful enough to harness your natural magical energy. Years of sitting around and a decade of starving yourself didn’t help you either, yes?”

I looked up, “How… did you know?”

He smirked, “You underestimate me, sweetheart.” he said, “I have a very keen eye.” he winked. “Anyways. Your body is supposed to be built for channeling magical energy, but because you have at least a hundred times more magic than any other dragon, your body needs to be a hundred times stronger than the ordinary dragon.”

I paled, “Does that mean–”

“More and intenser training? I’m afraid so, princess.” he admitted but then gave me another sly grin, “But don’t fret. I’ll be here for you.”

“Yeah, okay. Keep going.”

“I was born with more magical energy than other dragons as well.” he said proudly, “For example, I was born with the Frostbite Fang.”

I gaped, “Seriously?” Frostbite, one of Draegalha’s dragons, spent a century training, and she still wasn’t able to get close to Frostbite Fang.

He shrugged, “Some dragons are born lucky, love. You and I are living proof. But that means more training for both of us. I’ve been training myself, isolating myself from others, for more than five centuries.”

My eyes widened. He may be shameless, overconfident, and proud, but one can’t deny that he was powerful.

“Of course, training you would probably take more time and more intense stuff, but your body can handle it. I will make sure of that.” for once, he started sounding responsible, “The first years will be the hardest. I promise it’ll get easier, sweetheart.”

“I appreciate it, but can you please stop with the nicknames?” I asked.

He grinned, “What? You don’t like them?”

I swallowed, “Well… not exactly.” plus, I get embarrassed whenever someone calls me something other than my name.

Icefang just continued smiling and looking at me. I flushed, “What is my next task?” I finally asked.

“The first thing on my list would be building your body up.” he took a step towards me and I had to resist the urge to step back. “Alright, princess, let us begin.”

Chapter 6

I looked up at the dark night sky and thought back on my first day here. I was so scared and confused. But now, I felt much more confident. Of course, not to the point where I would trust myself with another person’s life, but I knew that the past five decades have changed me.

“You’re awake, princess?” Icefang stepped out of the cave, blinking.

“And good night to you too, Icefang.” I dipped my head.

Over the years, I learned to semi-ignore Icefang’s nicknames for me and his shameless flirt side, even though it was very difficult. He liked attention, and would do anything to get it, and I would admit that 9 out of the 10 times he tried his tricks on me, it would work. But still… 9 times is better than 10, right?

And those fifty years with Icefang told me that he wasn’t exactly a bad dragon. I still didn’t know much about his past. Only that he lost his eye in a battle against the humans. I’ve seen him train, and he trains like his life depended on it, and there was always this bitter resentment in his eye (his good eye).

“Goodnight, my dearest.” he gave me a cocky grin and I flushed and turned away. He laughed, “No need for that, dearest, we’ve been living together for over five decades!”

“Living together?” the sound of that made me want to die of embarrassment, or hypothermia if I can bury my head in the snow.

“We’re practically mates, now!” he started towards me, but I stepped back.

“Icefang, what are we doing today?” I asked.

He stopped in his tracks and gave me a sly look, “Oh, I have lots of things that we can do… together.” he licked his sharp teeth.

I took a deep breath to slow my heart rate, “Icefang, it’s not going to work. Now, can you please tell me what I’ll be doing today?” I changed my choice of words.

“Hm…” he gave me a long look, “I suppose we can take a look at your abilities.”

I shaped the magical energy around me into a shield easily, “Like this?” I asked.

“No, no. Something flashier.” he shook his head, “Try to mimic another type of breath.”

I thought about the scorching hot suns of summer and wildfires. Then I projected my magic

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